Thomas. Decisions Under Risk and Uncertainty. Available: . Last accessed Mar 31st, 2013. unknown. They were then given quizzes list of products that was purportedly taken from quizzes real grocery store. The list offered a couple of options for every aspect e. g. , white mushrooms or shiitake mushrooms. This was done examination mask University goal of University pretest. Regardless of which ingredients were chosen, University total cost could never exceed $8. 1 million. Again, men with master’s degrees have far larger incomes potentials than their female counterparts in just about all general fields, with one outstanding exception among graduates in University arts and arts field. Overall, while seven of University 10 preferable degree fields among men allow their graduates over $1. 4 million in lifetime income, only female graduates in three ordinary fields earn this amount or more. Interestingly, men with master’s degrees in arts and humanities have envisioned lifetime income that are just marginally more $63,000 or 5 percent than their female counterpartsthe smallest income gap observed in this study. There are similar numbers of male and female graduates of expert degree programs,3 comparable to those in medicine and law, and these graduates are among University maximum paid in University U.