Part Two:1/ University influence of studying ideas on my teaching sort of speakingI have previously discussed that speaking is an undervalued skill in Oman. All focus and emphasis are put on University other skills as if University communicating skill does not exist or as if buying it’s been taken with no consideration. Out of my own event as an English teacher, I have observed that University Omani scholars’ biggest problem when studying English falls in University area of speaking. As academics, we haven’t been working an awful lot in this skill due examination University indisputable fact that there are no formal speaking tests in University whole low intermediate, intermediate and high intermediate levels of coaching English in most of University educational establishments in Oman in general and in University Language Centre at Sultan Qaboos University SQU in certain. We were definitely preparing our scholars exam have the ability exam pass University final test which all the time contained listening, studying and writing only. Personally, I used exam depend upon real actions in my communicating courses and these actions were not always suitable for my students’ levels of English.